Merlyn Kitchen Special



Christmas SPECIAL


Black Grapes - 1 Kg
Sugar - 1 Kg
Warm Water - 1 litre
Star Anise - 2
Cinnamon - 1 small piece


Wash grapes and set aside to dry
To a clean and dry clay pot ( Bharani ) add sugar and warm water
Stir till the sugar dissolves completely
Add in the spices and grapes stir once
Close pot with a lid and tie with a muslin cloth
Keep in a warm place
Stir once everyday for 15 days continuously
Strain the liquid and discard the residue
Pour the liquid in the pot close with a lid and tie up with a cloth
Set aside in a warm place undisturbed for 21 days
Bottle and store in a warm place till used
Best if stored in a dark bottle and consumed after a month

Adding spices is optional ... you can adjust to suit your taste buds


by Alexandermerlyn


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